Friday, January 2, 2009

Pattern Three

PART OF SPEECH + ICON. There are many other parts of speech besides verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs that en in -ly. They do NOT change the endings, so they go on only one key for each of these parts of speech. The other parts of speech are Interjections, Determiners, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Question Words, and Adverbs that don't end in -ly. The icon portion may appear in the core area or in the activity row.

One thing we did on our devices was to give each part of speech it's own color. That way, it is a little more identifiable. All of our Interjections are hot pink, because the colors pop like interjections and fireworks pop!

Pattern Two

ICON+ ICON+ WORD ENDING. To provide more verbs, basic nouns, adjectives, and adverbs that end in ly, Pattern 1 is expanded by hitting 2 icons before the word ending. For Example, the word BREAK would be HAMMER + TV + VERB.

Pattern One

ICON + WORD ENDING. This pattern works for saying VERBS, NOUNS, ADVERBS (that end in -ly), and ADJECTIVES.

For Verbs, you choose which ending is appropriate. Your verbs are the Herb the Verb or Action Man icon. If you prefer, you can add the correct icon for the action. Your choices are buckets with the endings of +s, +ing, +ed, +en. You can also use to+verb to say the shortcut, such as TO EAT, would be icon + tp bucket. Verbs are green in color.

For Nouns, you can choose either singular or plural nouns. Nouns are the Old Mother Hubbard icon. Most nouns will appear in the acivity row, but CORE nouns will appear by hitting the ICON first for our pattern. Singular, you will notice she only has one thing in the cupboard. Plural, there are more items in the cupboard. They are Orange in color.

For Adverbs, you will notice that a lot of them end in -ly. This is the plane pulling the -ly banner. Adverbs are a light blue color.

For Adjectives, you have a choice of 3 forms. They are the paintbrush icon, because like a paint brush paints a picture and adds color, adjectives PAINT a picture and describe words to help paint a picture in your head. For Example, you can choose hungry, hungrier, or hungriest, to tell me how hungry you were at breakfast time.


If you learn the PRC patterns, Minspeak will become a lot easier to learn, on the dynamic display devices (Vantage, Vanguard, Eco). They carry through on all number of locations 84 and above, and on these 3 dynamic display devices. Work through each pattern on your device/PASS, until you have it memorized. I am most familar with 84 locations, so some of it may be aimed that way.